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Cello Collection in Paris
Italian cellos
Italian Cello labelled « Cappa » late XVII century
Italian cello circa 18th unknown
Cello Giuseppe ROCCA 1853
Cello Luigi Rovatti 1929
Cello Riccardo Genovese 1927
Cello Hannibal Fagnola 1932
Cello Giuseppe Ornati 1934
Cello Luigi Galimberti 1937
Cello Romano Clemente 1937
Cello Luigi Azzola 1938
Cello Giorgio Corsini 1953
Cello Stelio Rossi 1954
French cellos
Cello Prosper Grandjon 1840
Cello Sylvestre et Maucotel 1911
Cello Albert Caressa 1921
Cello Caressa-Français 1923
Cello Victor Quenoil 1926
Cello Emile Pouzol 1937
Cello René Quenoil 1950
Show Room
Cello Gallery
Italian cellos
Italian Cello labelled « Cappa » late XVII century
Italian cello circa 18th unknown
Cello Giuseppe ROCCA 1853
Cello Luigi Rovatti 1929
Cello Riccardo Genovese 1927
Cello Hannibal Fagnola 1932
Cello Giuseppe Ornati 1934
Cello Luigi Galimberti 1937
Cello Romano Clemente 1937
Cello Luigi Azzola 1938
Cello Giorgio Corsini 1953
Cello Stelio Rossi 1954
French cellos
Cello Prosper Grandjon 1840
Cello Sylvestre et Maucotel 1911
Cello Albert Caressa 1921
Cello Caressa-Français 1923
Cello Victor Quenoil 1926
Cello Emile Pouzol 1937
Cello René Quenoil 1950
Show Room
Cello Gallery
The collector
12 mars 2014
12 mars 2014
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Cello’s directory
Cello Romano Clemente 1937
Cello Victor Quenoil 1926
Cello Riccardo Genovese 1927
Cello Luigi Azzola 1938
Cello René Quenoil 1950
Cello Giorgio Corsini 1953
Cello Giuseppe Ornati 1934
Cello Albert Caressa 1921
Cello Stelio Rossi 1954
Cello Sylvestre et Maucotel 1911
Cello Luigi Rovatti 1929
Cello Giuseppe ROCCA 1853
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